It’s Not Just Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Wheat: You May Already Be Eating Rogue GE Crops
Can humans control and contain genetically engineered crops? The answer appears to be no. Of the four major crops grown in the U.S., genetically engineered (GE) seeds are available for three: corn, soybeans and alfalfa. But a farmer growing the fourth major crop, wheat, could not (legally) plant GE seeds even if he wanted to. […]
GMO-free ingredients are tough to round up in the U.S.
By John Upton, Responsible food manufacturers are trying to meet consumer demand for products that are free from transgenic ingredients. And they are finding it exceedingly difficult in the U.S. to do so. The New York Times reported Sunday on the difficulties — and high costs — faced by small and large companies that want to […]
Miracle grow: Indian farmers smash crop yield records without GMOs
What if the agricultural revolution has already happened and we didn’t realize it? Essentially, that’s the idea in this report from the Guardianabout a group of poverty-stricken Indian rice and potato farmers who harvested confirmed world-record yields of rice and potatoes. Best of all: They did it completely sans-GMOs or even chemicals of any kind. Click here to […]
The inevitable has happened: GMO’s growing in the wild!
GM crop escapes into the American wild Transgenic canola found growing freely in North Dakota. Natasha Gilbert, A genetically modified (GM) crop has been found thriving in the wild for the first time in the United States. Transgenic canola is growing freely in parts of North Dakota, researchers told the Ecological Society of America […]