This  news is incredibly frustrating – instead of creating healthy alternatives, the ag industry prefers to rebrand and repackage the same poison that is helping cause diabetes and obesity in our children as somehting different!

– Jeremy

The battle against high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) seemed to be leaning towards victory. Consumers have become increasingly weary of food products containing HFCS. Health concerns, such as obesity and diabetes, have been increasingly linked to the sweetener. In response to consumer demand, companies have been removing HFCS from their product lines. There is a downward trend of HFCS in foodstuffs. More and more companies have been moving back to real sugar instead of HFCS as a sweetener. A shift in consumer preferences demands it. Just as we were gaining strong momentum away from HFCS as a sweetener, the Corn Refiners Association now wants the US Food and Drug Administration approval to rename HFCS into corn sugar.

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